Thursday, November 15, 2012

thursday thoughts: A Month in Review

Just over a month ago I was privileged to attend a celebration of the life of my friend's mother (who has battled brain tumors for nine years).  She is a beautiful woman.  Her smile and hugs are an indelible part of my memory. Thanks, Teri, for sharing her and being my friend all these years.  
(Photo by Trent Nelson)
After spending a cozy night at my brother's house I enjoyed freezing my tail off at a BYU football game the next day.  I treated myself to a hot dog and extra long maple bar, hoping to warm up a bit. The Cougar Tail (no pun intended) may not have warmed me up but it took my mind off the cold for a while. Yummm! (No comment, Clark--who witnessed me tear the bag apart and lick the frosting.) I had the best chauffeurs too.  It just so happened that my Blackfoot neighbors were going down to attend the same game.  They managed to get me to and from Utah in one piece.  
Then, Sunday we had our first visitors.  Our Orem neighbors, the Goates, stopped by on their way to and from Yellowstone National Park. (There is an open invitation to all who might have the same inclinations...good food and comfortable sleeping arrangements...and most importantly, good company!)  It was good to see them and catch up on the latest in our old stomping grounds.
It didn't take long for the snows to come.  Hyrum takes advantage of it no matter how deep.
Our next big event was a Czech meal at Ben's missionary trainer's house--the McCalls.  His wife is Czech chef extraordinaire.  She asked me ahead of time to find out what we'd like to eat.  I just happened to tell her my all time favorite, albeit one of the most difficult dishes to make.  The picture above doesn't capture how amazing it actually was to the taste buds.  It's svickova na smetane--roast beef, dumplings with vegetable cream sauce, topped with cranberry sauce.  I think I may have to adopt this for future Thanksgivings it's that GOOD!  (I'm hoping to post a link to her recipe blog soon.)
Here is Ben with Walter McCall, both obviously full from dinner. Oh, and I didn't mention that after filling up on dinner Marketa served up ovocne knedliky (fruit dumplings) for dessert.  Let me just say that I was sick with pleasure.  (Fruit dumplings satisfy as a meal all by themselves, so you can imagine how full we were.  Don't hesitate to request this Czech dessert during your stay here at the Pack Motel.)


  1. Yum! I enjoyed reading about the Czech dishes. I could salivate and imagine what they tasted like, without any calories. Win-win!

  2. Never tried fruit dumplings! But now I am craving and I'll give it a try this week-end.
